JOHN M. HUTCHINSON was born in Williamsville, Erie County, N. Y., March 25, 1820. In 1838 he came to Buffalo, where he engaged in the leather business till 1867, from then until his death devoting himself to his real estate investments and other interests. He was a Director of the Marine Bank, the Suspension Bridge Co., at Niagara Falls, and the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. Mr. Hutchinson was a strong Democrat, and was frequently chosen for offices of trust. In 1881, Mayor Brush appointed him one of the Fire Commissioners, and in 1885 he was reappointed by Mayor Scoville. He was one of the trustees of the City and County Hall, a member of the Board of Managers of the State Asylum for the Insane, and a trustee of Buffalo City Cemetery. He was formerly President of the Young Men’s Association, and one of its real estate commissioners. He was also a promoter of the Buffalo Driving Park Association. November 13, 1850, he became a charter member of Taylor Hose Company, No. 1, and served with that company until 1857.
In January, 1851, Mr. Hutchinson married Eunice A. Howard, sister of Gen. R. L. Howard. Mrs. Hutchinson died in 1852. The only child of the marriage was Edward Howard Hutchinson.
John Martin Hutchinson died August 17, 1886. He was a man who left a permanent and beneficial impress on the business and civic life of Buffalo. He was charitable and a generous giver.
Edward Howard Hutchinson was born in Buffalo March 7, 1852. He received his education in Public School No. 10, and in Central High School of that city. While preparing to enter Harvard University, his studies were interrupted by failing eyesight. In 1870 Mr. Hutchinson became a partner in the firm of L. W. Drake & Co., wholesale and retail provision dealers in Elk street market. In 1875 the firm’s packing house in East Buffalo was burned, and the partnership dissolved. In the fall of 1875 Mr. Hutchinson founded the first newspaper advertising agency ever established in Buffalo. In 1877 a printing department was added and the business was continued successfully for eighteen years. In the meantime Mr. Hutchinson had invested largely in Buffalo real estate, which he improved by the erection of some of the most important structures in Buffalo. In 1887 he built the well-known business block called “The Hutchinson,” consisting of four stores and twelve flats. In 1889 he erected “The Strathmoreā€¯ at Main and Carleton streets. Mr. Hutchinson is a Director of the Marine National Bank, is President of the Board of Trustees of the Buffalo City Cemetery (Forest Lawn), and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. He was formerly a member of the Board of Managers of the Church Charity Foundation of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Buffalo, and in 1895, in memory of his parents, he erected and presented to the Church Charity Foundation the Hutchinson Memorial Chapel.
Mr. Hutchinson is a Democrat, and in 1887 his party nominated him for Alderman in the former Tenth Ward. This was then the strongest Republican Ward in Buffalo, yet Mr. Hutchinson was elected, running nearly 1,000 votes ahead of his ticket. Mayor Charles F. Bishop appointed him a Fire Commissioner in 1891, and in 1900 he was appointed by Mayor Diehl a member of the first Union Station Commission, serving two years, and after his reappointment by Mayor Knight, still another year.
September 25, 1872, Mr. Hutchinson married Jeanie Blanche Ganson of Buffalo.
Mr. Hutchinson is an honorary member of the Exempt and Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Associations; a life member of the Buffalo Historical Society, the Buffalo Library and the Buffalo Orphan Asylum, and a member of the Church Home League and the Y. M. C. A. He is a life member of Ancient Landmarks Lodge, No. 441, F. & A. M.; Adytum Chapter, No. 235, R. A. M.; Keystone Council, No. 20, E. & S. M.; Hugh de Payens Commandery, No. 30, K. T.; Ismailia Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., and of the Associate Society of Chapin Post, No. 2, G. A. E.
Personally Mr. Hutchinson is of a retiring disposition, but exceedingly energetic and very positive in his opinions. He has legions of friends, and is at all times ready to assist in advancing the interests of Buffalo.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I