REV. SAMSON FALK, D.D. Of this late eminent divine, it may fitly be said that his life was one which radiated the light of learning and breathed the spirit of beneficence, brotherhood and peace. Dr. Falk was born for his vocation. Endowed with superior abilities, he might have won success in many secular pursuits. Dr. Falk deeply felt the obligations of his sacred calling. Gifted with wide scholarship, brilliant eloquence, intellectual acumen and practical capability, all these acquirements and characteristics contributed their share to the completeness and consistency of his career. He was a citizen as well as a pastor. His friendships included many men of many creeds.
Samson Falk was born in Hochberg in the Kingdom of Württemberg, Germany, February 7, 1827. He received his lay education at the State University of Württemberg, and afterward studied for the Jewish ministry.
Rabbi Falk came to America in 1853. Soon after his arrival he was chosen to minister to a large congregation in Albany, N. Y., his pastorate continuing till 1862. In that year he removed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he resided until 1865, when he came to Buffalo as pastor of Temple Beth Zion, the Reformed Jewish Synagogue of this city.
The relation of Dr. Falk with Temple Beth Zion forms a notable part of local ecclesiastical history. He enjoyed the esteem and friendship of local clergymen without regard to denomination. On several occasions he exchanged pulpits or held union services with a fellow-clergyman of the Unitarian Church.
Dr. Falk joined in all movements for the welfare of his fellow-men of whatever race, and his eloquent voice was often heard in this behalf upon the public platform. He was actively identified with various charities and other institutions, being the founder of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of Western New York, located at Rochester, filling the post of Examiner in the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, and holding the position of Director of the Buffalo Historical Society.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I