THADDEUS WEED, son of Ananias Weed, was born in Stamford, Connecticut, in 1791. He was for some time a resident of Troy, N. Y. He came to Buffalo September 23, 1818, where he and George T. Weed opened a hardware store under the firm style of G. & T. Weed. The business prospered, becoming one of the leading mercantile houses of Buffalo. Thaddeus Weed married Louise Marie Chapin, daughter of Dr. Cyrenius Chapin. Their children were three sons, De Witt Chapin, George Thaddeus and Hobart Weed, and a daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Louise Stevens. Louise Marie (Chapin) Weed survived her husband by many years, dying on the 20th of July, 1894, being then in her ninety-second year.
After an honorable and successful career Thaddeus Weed died in 1846. No Buffalonian of his day was held in higher estimation. Eminently public-spirited, he was one of the founders of Buffalo’s first regular fire company. He was also a vestryman of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, of which he was one of the most active supporters. A man of sterling ability and probity, he left a deep impress on the life and institutions of the city.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I