THE SPRAGUE FAMILY is of English origin, and, in its American branch, of Puritan antecedents. Francis Sprague arrived -at Massachusetts in the ship “Anne,” in July, 1623. He was the first Secretary of Plymouth Colony and a man of influence in the Puritan commonwealth. John Sprague, son of Francis, married Ruth Bassett. Samuel Sprague, son of John, married Ruth Alden in 1669. She was the daughter of David Alden and Maria Southworth, of whom the former was the son of John Alden, and Priscilla Mullins. Noah Sprague, son of Lieutenant Samuel Sprague, married Sarah Hammond. They had a son, Noah Sprague, who married Mercy Dexter. Aldn, son of Noah Sprague, married Eunice Stoddard.
SOURCE: Memorial and Family History of Erie County New York; Volume I