Greene County, on the west side of the Hudson river, was taken from Ulster and Albany counties in 1800; greatest length 42 miles; greatest breadth on the Hudson 28 miles; centrally distant from New York 130, and from Albany 35 miles. The surface is everywhere hilly, and the larger portion mountainous. The Cattskill mountains, after following the southern boundary of the county in an easterly direction to the southeast angle, turn north and northwest, and pass nearly through the centre of the county into Schoharie. The general elevation of this range is from 2,000 to 2,500 feet above the adjacent country; while many of the peaks are elevated from 3,000 to 3,800 feet above the level of the Hudson. Round rJ70p has an elevation of 3.718 feet, High Peak 3,804, and Pine Orchard 3,000 feet. The whole southwestern part of the county is hilly and mountainous, yet it affords a fine soil for pastures, with some arable land. The northeastern and eastern parts of the county are less hilly, and have many valleys, rich and extensive. Much attention is paid to agriculture, and more leather is manufactured in this than in any other county in the state. The county was originally settled by the Dutch. A large proportion, however, of the present inhabitants are of New England descent, and are noted for morality and industry. The county is divided into 11 towns.
(Historical Collections of the State of New York, Past and Present, John Barber, Clark Albien & Co., 1851)