United States Census For 1790
Following is a complete list of heads of families for the town of Crown Point, Clinton county, New York, as they were taken and recorded in the United States Census of 1790.
Burtow, Isaac
Barber, Hezekiah
Ferris, Ezra
Ferris, Noah
Hinkley, Mercey
Hollebut, Stephen
Putman, Peter
Pangman, John
Pangman, John, Junr
Hardy, Andrew
McKinzie, William
Sister, Daniel
Whitney, Joshue
Cochran, Robert
Stewart, James
Blinn, Charles
Wilcox, James
Woodbury, William
Miller, Charles
Frazier, Jeremiah
Dey, Anthony
Hoigit, Asa
Houghton, Nahum
Case, Lemuel
Kirby, John
Winters, William
Ferris, John
Putman, Clerk
Skinner, Apollo
Hay, Charles
Stewart, John
Cook, Samuel
Cook, George
Chester, Jean
Daniels, Blaze
Cook, Jacob
Van Tyse, John
Cook, Ruben
Trimble, George
Fettock, Richard
Kellogg, Isaac
Osgood, John
Edgar, James
Williams, Thomas
Brayle, Philip
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 18, May 4, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry