United States Census For 1790
Following is a complete list of heads of families for the town of Castleton, Richmond County, New York, according to the United States Census of 1790:
Burbank, Anna (widow)
Stilwell, Joseph
Wandall, John
Scharit, Wm.
Colon, James
Housemon, Abrm.
Houghwout, Peter
Bancker, Adrian
Berdine, Vincent
Squire, Stephen
Van Debelt, Cornelius
Wood, John
Dongan, John C.
Kingston, Wm.
Crocheron, Abrm.
Freeland, W. Halimus
Housmon, Richard
Stretch, Saml.
Parker, Saml.
Mackey, Anna (widow)
Mercereau, John
Seward, Christopher
Post, Christian
Johnston, John
Degrote, Garret
Carlton, John
Degrote, John
Degrote, Peter
Cruse, Cornelius
Danniels, James
Rolph, Abrm.
Briton, Nathaniel
Jones, Abrm.
Bush, John
Martinno, Stephen
Wood, Stephen
Wright, John
Johnson, James
Haughwout, Nicholas
Christopher, John
Christopher, Joseph
Conner, Richard
Martinno, John
Haughwout, Peter
Prall, Peter
Blake, William
Simonson, John
Tyson, John
Wood, Timothy
Housmon, John
Breasted, Peter
Cosine, Willhalimus
Berdine, James
Le Forge, Peter
Breasted, John
Blaw, Cornelius
Barnes, George
Martilin, Benjn.
Martilin, Abrm.
Edinburgh, Peter
Marlin, John
Webb, Richard
Lackermon, Isaac
Barton, Joseph
Dey, David
Kingston, Sarah (widow)
Marlin, Abrm.
Housmon, John
Dongan, Walter
Lisle, John
Butler, John
Van Pelt, Wm.
Sanders, Peter
Van Pelt, John
Kelsey, Hannah (widow)
Perine, Peter
Burbanck, Abrm.
McSwine, John
Butler, Isaac
Butler, James
Egburt, Abrm.
Scharit, Richard, Senior
Scharit, Rchard, Junior
Lewis, James
Scharit, John
Stilwell, Abigail (widow)
Egburt, Tunis
Fountain, Anthony
Bedel, Israel
Baty, Edward
Baty, John
Dorsett, John
Cortelyaw, Jacob
Mary, John Frederick
Scharit, James
Baker, John
Neal, Anthony
Garretson, John
Pelyon, John
Drake, Jonathan
Perine, James
Simmons, Thos.
Cripps, Thos.
Jennings, Lambert
Van Pelt, Saml.
Bushat, Rama
Segoin, John
Simonson, Daniel
Butler, John
Buskirk, Cornelius
Buskirk, Philip
Garretson, Daniel
Bushkirk, John
Van Debelt, Jacob
Blake, Edward
Stilwell, Abrm.
Earo, Jeremiah
Housmon, Peter
Lisk, John
Coson, Daniel
Coson, John
SOURCE: Vol, I, No 3, January 20, 1912 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry